The Lost Pathway

The Village of Puttygut => The Grey Horse Tavern => Topic started by: Coír Draoi Ceítien on December 01, 2017, 07:13:40 PM

Title: Forecast for MASTERS OF FANTASY
Post by: Coír Draoi Ceítien on December 01, 2017, 07:13:40 PM
Many of you probably know I work on the ongoing MASTERS OF FANTASY series of blog posts in the Windmill section. I also have the "Fantasy Authors" and "Recommended Reading" topics going to both discuss what's been spoken of and to suggest new names. To be perfectly honest, I have a lot already, but rather than discourage anyone from speaking up, I thought I would share what I have and see what you think.

Here is a list, arranged alphabetically by first name, of everyone that I have set aside for a possible blog entry on MASTERS OF FANTASY, as of December 1, 2017. Keep in mind that these are subject to change, due to little information being found on them or their work being too insubstantial to warrant a complete entry. Still, in one way or another, all these authors have written something that could be classified as fantasy; some even function as surrealism or that special brand of literature called magic realism. Others I've only just heard of and taken into consideration. Although I intend on writing about them, feel free to look these people up yourself in the event that it takes a long time for the posts to come out. It would be great to get a discussion going if you recognize any of them.

The list is as follows:

A. C. Benson
A. E. Coppard
A. Merritt
Adolfo Bioy Casares
Alasdair Gray
Alfred, Lord Tennyson
Alice Hoffman
Anatole France
Andre Norton
Andrew Lang
Andrew Sinclair
Angela Carter
Angélica Gorodischer
Anna Smaill
Auguste Villiers de l'Isle-Adam
Avram Davidson
Barry Hughart
Bram Stoker
Brandon Sanderson
Brian Lumley
Brian Moore
C. J. Cutcliffe Hyne
C. L. Moore
Carlos Fuentes
Carlos Ruiz Zafón
Catherynne M. Valente
Charles Dickens
Charles G. Finney
Charles Robert Maturin
Chelsea Quinn Yarbro
Daniel Wallace
Dante Aligheri
David Garnett
Dean Koontz
Dennis Parry
Diana Gabaldon
Donald Barthelme
Doris Lessing
E. F. Benson
Eden Phillpotts
Edmund Spenser
Edwin A. Abbott
Elizabeth Goudge
Elizabeth Hand
Emma Bull
Emma Tennant
Ernest Bramah
F. Anstey
Fiona MacLeod
Flann O'Brien
Fletcher Pratt
Francis Stevens
François Rabelais
Frank Belknap Long
Frank R. Stockton
Franz Kafka
Friedrich de la Motte Fouqué
G. K. Chesterton
G. Willow Wilson
Gabriel García Márquez
Geoff Ryman
Geoffrey Chaucer
Giovanni Boccaccio
Glen Cook
Graham Joyce
Gregory Maguire
Günter Grass
Gustav Meyrink
Gustave Flaubert
Guy de Maupassant
H. Warner Munn
Hannes Bok
Harlan Ellison
Haruki Murakami
Henrik Ibsen
Henry James
Henry Kuttner
Henry Newbolt
Hermann Hesse
Honoré de Balzac
Hugh B. Cave
Ira Levin
Isaac Bashevis Singer
Isabel Allende
Italo Calvino
J. G. Ballard
Jack Cady
Jack Finney
Jack Williamson
James Hilton
James K. Morrow
James P. Blaylock
Jane Gaskell
Jeffrey Ford
Joan D. Vinge
John Buchan
John Bunyan
John Collier
John D. MacDonald
John Fowles
John Gardner
John Keats
John Kendrick Bangs
John Myers Myers
John Updike
Jonathan Lethem
Jonathan Swift
Jorge Luis Borges
Joris-Karl Huysmans
Joseph Payne Brennan
Jostein Gaarder
Joy Chant
Joyce Carol Oates
Julio Cortázar
Junot Díaz
Kaoru Kurimoto
Kazuo Ishiguro
Ken Grimwood
Kingsley Amis
Kōbō Abe
Kyōka Izumi
L. Sprague de Camp
Lafcadio Hearn
Lavie Tidhar
Leslie Barringer
Lev Grossman
Lewis Shiner
Lisa Goldstein
Lord Byron
Louis de Bernières
Louise Erdrich
Ludwig Tieck
Manly Wade Wellman
Manuel Mujica Láinez
Margaret Atwood
Margo Lanagan
Marion Zimmer Bradley
Mark Helprin
Mary Shelley
Megan Whalen Turner
Mercedes Lackey
Michael Chabon
Michael Frayn
Michael Shea
Michael Swanwick
Miguel Ángel Asturias
Mikhail Bulgakov
Milan Kundera
Miyuki Miyabe
N. K. Jemisin
Nikolai Gogol
Nikos Kazantzakis
Nina Kirika Hoffman
Nnedi Okorafor
Noriko Ogiwara
Oscar Wilde
Pat O'Shea
Patrick Süskind
Paul Edwin Zimmer
Paulo Coelho
Percy Bysshe Shelley
Peter Ackroyd
Peter Straub
Philip José Farmer
Phyllis Eisenstein
Piers Anthony
R. A. McAvoy
R. H. Benson
R. Scott Bakker
Ramsey Campbell
Raymond E. Feist
Richard Garnett
Richard Matheson
Robert Bloch
Robert F. Jones
Robert Irwin
Robert Nathan
Robertson Davies
Robin Hobb
Roderick MacLeish
Russell Hoban
Salman Rushdie
Samuel Beckett
Samuel Taylor Coleridge
Sanders Anne Laubenthal
Sara Coleridge
Sarah Monette
Sheri S. Tepper
Shi Nai'an
Shirley Jackson
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
Sofia Samatar
Stephen R. Lawhead
Steven Erickson
Tanith Lee
Terri Windling
Terry Brooks
Theodore Sturgeon
Thomas Bulfinch
Thomas Burnett Swann
Thomas Pynchon
Thorne Smith
Tim Powers
Tom Holt
Toni Morrison
Tove Jansson
Victor LaValle
Vladimir Nabokov
Walter Wangerin, Jr.
Washington Irving
Wil Huygen & Rien Poortvliet
William Blake
William Golding
William Hjortsberg
William Kotzwinkle
William S. Burroughs
William Shakespeare
Wu Cheng'en
Yasunari Kawabata

I have my next two entries specifically all lined up as well.

Part XVII will contain:

Avram Davidson
Ernest Bramah
Barry Hughart
John Gardner
John Myers Myers
G. K. Chesterton
Richard Garnett
Emma Bull

Part XVIII will contain:

Marion Zimmer Bradley
Stephen R. Lawhead
Terri Windling
Thomas Burnett Swann
Roderick MacLeish
Russell Hoban
Philip José Farmer
Peter Ackroyd

So look out for them in the future!

So what do you think? Is there anyone else you think I should add? Which out of them would you like to see in the next entries?
Title: Re: Forecast for MASTERS OF FANTASY
Post by: Raven on December 02, 2017, 11:51:44 AM
Woah. That's a lot of authors.

Surprised to see Tony Morrison on there, for example, but interested to see what you come up with.
Of course, Wil Huygen & Rien Poortvliet I have spoken of before.

Looking forward to seeing what you do.
Title: Re: Forecast for MASTERS OF FANTASY
Post by: Coír Draoi Ceítien on December 02, 2017, 06:58:33 PM
Toni Morrison falls into the category of magic realism, which I will have to try to describe when I get to it. From what I hear, not everything she does can be classified as such, but her (arguably) best known novel, Beloved, can actually be called a ghost story and, by extension, a horror novel. Read this article to find out more:

Yeah, it's a lot, but I'm always willing to add some more. If there's anything that you think I've missed, please let me know.
Title: Re: Forecast for MASTERS OF FANTASY
Post by: Raven on December 03, 2017, 03:40:15 PM
I've read one of Tony Morrison's novel, and I've read at least a little magic realism, just hadn't connected the two.
Title: Re: Forecast for MASTERS OF FANTASY
Post by: Coír Draoi Ceítien on November 05, 2018, 10:38:55 PM
Now I'm sure that no one has been paying too close attention to the blog, considering that I've been silent for quite some time, but I'm starting to get into things again, and I wanted to let you all know what's coming up. I've got entries 20-25 planned out. I'm putting them up here because, on the chance that you want to find out more about them yourselves, I'm completely fine with it. It's a great thing to do your own research.

Part XX
Margaret Atwood
Patrick Süskind
Mikhail Bulgakov
Michael Frayn
Mark Helprin
Gabriel García Márquez
Franz Kafka
Italo Calvino

Part XXI
Jack Finney
Richard Matheson
Peter Straub
Jorge Luis Borges
Theodore Sturgeon
Sofia Samatar
G. Willow Wilson
Günter Grass

James P. Blaylock
Tim Powers
Shirley Jackson
James Hilton
Nnedi Okorafor
Lev Grossman
Jack Cady
Diana Gabaldon
Ira Levin

Alejo Carpentier
John Collier
Isabel Allende
Angela Carter
Alasdair Gray
Carlos Fuentes
Toni Morrison
Salman Rushdie

Robert F. Jones
John D. MacDonald
Julio Cortázar
Robertson Davies
Harlan Ellison
William Golding
Andrew Sinclair

Part XXV
Brian Moore
John Fowles
Charles G. Finney
Gustav Meyrink
Jostein Gaarder
Margo Lanagan
Nikos Kazantzakis
Dean Koontz

While I know this blog is really subject to my discretion, I don't want to feel like a dictator. If there's anyone in particular that you'd like to hear about in the next coming entry, drop me a line and let me know. I'd be glad to take requests.
Title: Re: Forecast for MASTERS OF FANTASY
Post by: Coír Draoi Ceítien on January 05, 2019, 05:39:25 PM
I was hoping to have an entry done before December was out, but it's back to slow going for me. Still, I have a lineup. For those wondering, here's what's coming next.

J. G. Ballard
Andrzej Sapkowski
Austin Tappan Wright
Glen Cook
François Rabelais
Catherynne M. Valente
Jonathan Swift
Karl Edward Wagner
Manly Wade Wellman

Haruki Murakami
John Updike
Edmund Spenser
William Blake
Walter Wangerin Jr.
Steve Erikson
N. K. Jemisin
Mervyn Wall
Michael Chabon

Vladimir Nabokov
Thomas Pynchon
Mary Shelley
Bram Stoker
Joseph Payne Brennan
R. Scott Bakker
R. A. MacAvoy
Brandon Sanderson

Raymond E. Feist
Robin Hobb
Scott Lynch
Piers Anthony
Sheri S. Tepper
Tanith Lee
Terry Brooks
William Hjortsberg
Miyuki Miyabe
Joy Chant

Part XXX
William Peter Blatty
Wu Cheng'en
Oscar Wilde
Dante Alighieri
Kingsley Amis
Phyllis Eisenstein
Charles Dickens

I make no promises for dates, but I'll try to get them out soon enough.