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Topics - Philosoraptor

For a while I have been thinking about fairy tales, their relation to myths, and the relation both faerie and myth have to the truth. This was aroused first when I read Chesterton's remarks on Sleeping Beauty and the meaning it gives to Death, and then I turned to Tolkien's essay on Faerie. Most recently I read his Silmarillion for the first time, which provoked an inner fight about freedom and its tragedies, but last night while watching Beauty and the Beast I had an inspiration on the meaning of the conditions laid down in many fairy tales: "You can have this if..." So here it is, linked to my blog, where I published it first, but the full text is attached below as well.
The Grey Horse Tavern / Introduction
June 07, 2016, 04:18:13 PM
Thus spake Lost Pathway's newest member, Philosoraptor. I'm an old friend of Raven's, worked a couple summer jobs with him, and now several years later, he has (successfully) strong-armed me into joining his website. One can only protest so far. He "does not take no for an answer," so here I am. My talent lies more in answering riddles than it does in telling stories, but we will see what talents lie for ripening.

I look forward to reading and posting. I am nothing if not inconsistent, so don't expect much and you won't be disappointed. Hamlet's moon speech applies more to me than it does its traditional attribution, but we'll make a good go of it.

Hi everyone!